Letter To Mr. President

Dear Mr. President,


               Greetings of peace and good health.


               I want to express my admiration to you, Mr. President. To all of the great things that you have done to the country since you became President. I have witnessed early blossom of your leadership. The war on drugs especially and the “Build, Build, Build” program. I also admire the way you handle this pandemic at the early stage of it. You became responsive to what this country needed. But because of

the scarcity of funds and maybe the mismanagement of a lot of people in the government, all your steps are failing.

      The only thing that I don't like about the war on drugs is many people died and some of them are innocents. It is also causing havoc to human rights. Imagine, 7,000 people have been killed by police and paramilitaries and 38,000 put in jail. It is out of control. Please do not forget that criminals are humans too. 

               My admiration to you Mr. President is still in my heart. With your age you still can run a country. With all the negativities that are being thrown to you right now, I’m confused. To believe or not to believe. One thing is for sure, I believe that you are a great leader but at a wrong time.


Jim Ivander Go

Sources: https://www.manilatimes.net/2021/07/26/supplements/duterte-legacy-truthful-efficient-effective-and-proactive-public-service/1808346



  1. I completely agree with your point, as the problem that should be prioritized right
    now is the pandemic, which, in my opinion, affects the masses more than the "War
    against Drugs." I applaud you for speaking up about your concerns about our
    country's present administration. All I can say is that I hope the collective voices of
    people who are suffering be heard in order to put an end to such injustice.


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