Quality of Education During Covid-19


Covid-19 Pandemic has stricken the whole world. It is almost two years now since the virus has spread. This pandemic has frozen the world for real. Even the biggest schools, establishments and business closed because of the pandemic.

            The biggest challenge to us students is how to get a good, if not the best, quality of education. This matter is also a big challenge to the government. The question is: How to bring the best quality education without going to school?

Though some people have been introduced with the home – based learning, only a few can afford with this kind of set-up. Most people, especially in the Philippines, go to public schools because of poverty. Now at this time of pandemic, it is very difficult for us to get through this challenge. Even teachers have not enough experience on distant learning. Biggest problem with this is budget. Because of scarcity of funds of the government, parents and teachers need to stretch and give a bigger budget for the education of the children. Another challenge is for the parents in teaching their children. Most of parents, if not busy at work, they do not have enough wisdom on how to teach their children. 

            These challenges measure how the quality of education the students are receiving during Covid-19 pandemic. Some say they did not learn anything during last school year. Now that the second school year has begun, the big question is: Will the students still say they do not learn anything because of the distant learning? Well, this is the greatest challenge that everyone should look forward. We should work hand in hand - parents, teachers, students, government, to at least for us to get a good, if not the best quality of education.





  1. The thing is, education would be better if the pandemic subsided. I have to admit that I am one of those whom didn't learn much last school year. I actually lost my will and drive to learn as we "progressed" last school year. It wasn't fun at all, as of my opinion. It was stressful for me, fellow students, and the teachers as well. It has affected us so bad. Although today, we have been rolling out vaccines and students are hyped to get vaccinated in order to get back to school. There is no doubt we can pull this through as one.


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