The earth has been suffering for a lot of years now because of garbage that are not properly discarded. We can see trash everywhere. A piece of candy wrapper being blown by the wind is trash. A

piece of used diaper being carried water in the river is trash. Trash here, there and everywhere. It is uncontrollable. Even the dumpsites are now full of garbage and being mis managed that is why when a strong wind blows or a flood comes, they carry this garbage and return everything to us. As of now, used face masks are the most commonly seen around which is so unhealthy not only for the environment but most of all to us.

  As an environmental youth advocate, I will start on myself having a lifestyle that is beneficial with the environment. One thing that I can do right now is to put up my own trash bin in my room where I
can put my own garbage. I will follow proper garbage disposal at home. Trash bins can be seen around our house. My grandparents manage a sari-sari store and the is a big trash bin in front of it. We are used to putting our own trash in these bins. Because if not, our grandmother and my mother will get angry with us.

Proper garbage disposal is the best way to end up this problem. Proper education to the community is one way to conquer this goal. Giving correct landfill management is the most important thing. But simple things like rolling and tying used face masks and throwing to the right garbage bins can help a lot. If one person can do such, and everyone sees it, wouldn’t everyone follow? 

Let us think about it. We are suffering from our own irresponsibility. The earth is giving back what we are doing to it. Throw it a garbage, it will return it to us.

Love the mother nature. Love the earth. 



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