Bigueño Pandemic Christmass

   Bigueño Pandemic Christmass

 “Sparkling lights all over town. Children’s carols in the air!” And along the Heritage City of Vigan.


It was but a joyful season every time of the year. Christmas! Well, anywhere in the world it’s a season full of happiness.

               Bigueños are know to be hospitable people. Every Christmas, Vigan City is filled with tourists everywhere. Not until came the pandemic. Vigan became so quiet. It nearly became a ghost town because you can not see anyone walking along Calle Crisologo. Christmas 2020 was this scenery.  It was the quietest Christmases of all times. Closed boarders. No events. No carols. Limited people to attend Christmas masses. How to celebrate Christmas then?

              Well, came Christmas 2021. Health protocols lightened. Tourists were allowed to come again. Families got get togethers. Christmas carols can be heard around. Christmas villages risen everywhere. Dancing Fountain opened and played Christmas songs. Vigan was lighted up with all colors. Calle Crisologo finally lived again! Amen! Bigueños became active again.  

               Christmas celebrations amidst Covid-19 pandemic was never easy in terms of so-called commercialized celebrations. But in its essence, we can celebrate Christmas just by sending help to those in need. Praying and thanking God for giving us a longer chance to live by not getting infected by the virus. Praying and thanking God for all the blessings we received even at the hardest times of our lives. Praying and thanking God that He has protected us from all of the calamities that came.

               We can all celebrate Christmas at its essence in our own very ways. It’s just how we see its true essence.


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