Covid-19 Vaccine for Children and Teens

              Vaccination is the only way to prevent the spread of the corona virus disease 2019 or Covid-19. The world of Science have taken their chances to produce different kinds of anti-covid—19 vaccine. As of today, the whole world has been urging everyone to get vaccinated. A lot of countries and different
establishments everywhere do not allow the entry of unvaccinated persons. 

             Covid-19 Vaccine is already given to children and teens. For me, this is essential because it is the only way we can go out. With us getting vaccinated, we can be able to attend face-to-face classes. We can be able to mingle with friends. We can do the things we used to do. There is an impact of covid 19 to children and teens Just like adults, children and teens can get very sick from COVID-19, have both short-and long-term health problems, spread COVID-19 to others, including at home and school. There is no way to tell in advance how children or teens will be affected by COVID-19. However, those with underlying medical conditions or who have a weakened immune system are more likely to get severely ill from COVID-19.

            Despite of the vaccines given to children and teens; we still have to continue the health protocols so that they can become added protection for everyone. We should treat these protocols as our new normal. We should not also take vaccines for granted. Because it is true that prevention is better than cure.



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